After the baby is born, ther are a few guides for the new mother to follow, which need to be carried out by her with love and understanding.
1. The baby was to be breast-fed for 2 years or more, if at all possible.
2. No breast-feeding the baby if the mother had any emotional problem, anger, fear, irritation, hatred, etc. She was to be calmed down through advice, meditation, prayer, rest or walk in nature. When she felt better, then she could feed the baby. It was thought that the mother's milk contained the mother's emotions and thoughts which were then transferred to the baby. It was suggested that she read inspiring books or listen to beautiful music at the time of feeding the baby.
3. She was instructed not to relate to people who gossiped and criticised, or those who made ugly remarks about others.
4. She was to do no heavy labor and not too much travelling, but keep herself busy with the baby and various domestic chores.
5. She was to keep the baby really clean, bathing him or her in lukewarm or even cold water.
Mental development starts from pregnancy, and it is possible to have heroes and geniuses if the below points are carefully taken into consideration:
It will be a blessing for the child if the pregnant mother occupies her mind with lofty thoughts; checks her motives; is careful about her conversations; keeps herself in the line of Beauty, Goodness, Truth, and joy; is careful about her emotions and relationships; avoids watching television programs full of violence and crimes, and, instead, relaxes and enjoys herself in Nature or with inspirational music, books, and creative activity; and, finally, keeps company with loving and joyful people. Mothers will be surprised to see great beauty and integrity in their children when they start them in the right way and then watch the steps of their children.
- Torkom Saraydarian.
1. The baby was to be breast-fed for 2 years or more, if at all possible.
2. No breast-feeding the baby if the mother had any emotional problem, anger, fear, irritation, hatred, etc. She was to be calmed down through advice, meditation, prayer, rest or walk in nature. When she felt better, then she could feed the baby. It was thought that the mother's milk contained the mother's emotions and thoughts which were then transferred to the baby. It was suggested that she read inspiring books or listen to beautiful music at the time of feeding the baby.
3. She was instructed not to relate to people who gossiped and criticised, or those who made ugly remarks about others.
4. She was to do no heavy labor and not too much travelling, but keep herself busy with the baby and various domestic chores.
5. She was to keep the baby really clean, bathing him or her in lukewarm or even cold water.
Mental development starts from pregnancy, and it is possible to have heroes and geniuses if the below points are carefully taken into consideration:
It will be a blessing for the child if the pregnant mother occupies her mind with lofty thoughts; checks her motives; is careful about her conversations; keeps herself in the line of Beauty, Goodness, Truth, and joy; is careful about her emotions and relationships; avoids watching television programs full of violence and crimes, and, instead, relaxes and enjoys herself in Nature or with inspirational music, books, and creative activity; and, finally, keeps company with loving and joyful people. Mothers will be surprised to see great beauty and integrity in their children when they start them in the right way and then watch the steps of their children.
- Torkom Saraydarian.
Very natural, thought provoking, and dam inspiring knowledge!! :-) :-)